Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Goodbye Love

Dear Love,
Your bouncy curls,
And your deep, dark eyes,
The soft touch of your hand against my face,
And the warm, relaxing feeling of your arms,
Your bright, melting smile,
Your soothing voice,
And your heart stopping kiss.

Stay with me for I won’t leave.
Hold me and I won’t let go.
Look into my eyes so I can get lost in the abyss of your soul.
Kiss me and put my mind at rest.
Love me and I promise you my love in return….

These were once the words I wrote to you with all the sincerity of my heart.
These words were once all that I could see.
These words painted the picture that made up my world:
You were my safety blanket,
My knight and shining armor,
My best friend….
You once devoted yourself to me.
You pledged.
You promised.
You gave me your word that I would have a piece of your heart for eternity.
I felt unworthy of your love.

But now I feel betrayed…
Did you mean what you said?
Or were they all just empty promises?
You said you’d be there for me and now it seems like you barely exist.
Where’d you go?
Where did the person I thought I once knew go?

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