Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dream A Little Dream

So these last few weeks I have actually been able to dream. Which is weird from me because it's been months since I have. Them most common type of dreams for me have been ones where I haven't been able to breathe. Sometimes I am drowning, sometimes times I am suffocating and other times there isn't a clear cause for why I  can't breathe. It's very frustrating at times due to the fact that my dreams become so real that I actually can't breathe so then I wake up trying to catch my breath. Other dreams have consisted of me running away from something or someone like I have done something wrong. It's odd.

Anyone else have weird dreams like mine? ~Peace!


  1. my dreams of late have all been about photography :)

  2. My dreams have all been about boys ... & my preschoolers ... The dreams are usually fragmented. Probably because I wake up a lot in the night ... ? & Lego Harry Potter has been in it ...?

  3. LEGO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna be soooooooo addicted to that game once I get my Wii!
